Which patients may require this type of intervention?
This intervention is intended for patients wishing to achieve a more attractive nose, by deliberately correcting some of the negative manifestations that may be either innate or be acquired as a result of the injury. In the event that a nasal congestion disrupts the respiratory function, it can be eliminated during the same surgical intervention period.
What is the purpose of this intervention?
The purpose of this intervention is to achieve a natural view of the nose, harmoniously combined with other facial features that suit the patient in psychological and personal terms, fully responding o his request.
What are the basic stages of rhinoplasty?
Cuts during the intervention will be hidden inside the nasal cavity and in the area of columella.
The osteochondral base is subjected to a purposeful intervention procedure in accordance with the program drawn up during the consultation. The most common forms of correction may relate to:
Removal of the hump of the nose
Thinning too wide a nose
Correction of the curvature of the nose
Nose tip correction
Reduction or extension of the tip of the nose
Open or closed way to access the angle between the nose and upper lip
The applied seams are made with the use of resorbable filaments of small size
The nasal cavity is subject to tampons for 24 hours, and the establishment of a protective simulated tire on the nose area for 7 days
Duration of intervention: on average, 1 hour 30 minutes
What kind of anesthesia is required for rhinoplasty?
Usually this type of intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Together with this, in some cases, local anesthesia, deepened by intravenous tranquilizers (the so-called “anesthesia” in the walking state) may be sufficient.
What duration of hospitalization is required after rhinoplasty?
LThe intervention can be carried out “out-patiently” with the possibility of leaving the clinic on the same day after several hours of follow-up. In any case, one should start from the cases when a short hospitalization may seem the best solution. In this case, the client’s receipt is carried out in the morning and he can, according to all formalities, leave the clinic on the next day.
How usually is the recovery period after the intervention?
Painful sensations, as a rule, are noted in rare cases. Tampons from the nasal cavity are removed the next day after the intervention, and the removal of the installed tire on the nose area is performed after 7 days. Edema and ecchimosis, their degree of severity and duration are very much dependent, in terms of manifestation, on each individual case of a patient. Return to normal socio-professional life is usually possible in 10-15 days after the intervention. Sports and over active lifestyles should be avoided during the first 3 months.
What is the cost of rhinoplasty?
The price of rhinoplasty varies between 5800 and 7000 euros.
What is the cost of septoplasty?
The price of septoplasty is 4500 euros.
An example of one of the cases of Rhinoplasty
We are talking about a patient who consulted on rhinoplasty. Her request simultaneously concerned both the aesthetic and functional plan. Mainly, the patient complained on the hump of the nose and its tip, which in her opinion was hanging and was too pointed. At the same time, she had difficulty breathing, associated with the curvature of the nasal septum.
At the examination, it was determined that the patient had a thick layer of skin, the presence of an osteochondral hump, a broad back, a pronounced tip of the nose protruding forward, and an inadequately proportional opening of the nasolabial angle(the angle between the nose and upper lip). The curvature of the nasal septum was confirmed by performing a rhinoscopy.
In the end this patient underwent rhinoseptoplasty surgery. Performed interventions consisted in the implementation of septoplasty, excision of the hump of the nose, correction in the form of thinning the back of the nose, the elimination of a too pronounced manifestation of the tip of the nose forward, the opening of the nasolabial angle and remodeling of the cartilage of the tip of the nose to achieve its more rounded shape. This intervention allowed the patient to restore the normal respiratory function of the nasal canals and give the most natural appearance, a more subtle form, without a hump and with a rounded tip, slightly shortened and raised upwards.
Before the intervention
· Consultation with your surgeon
· Consultation with the anesthesiologist
· Resolution of administrative issues: cost estimate, consent, photos
· Recommendations: quit smoking within 1 month before the intervention
· Anesthesia: general anesthesia
· Duration of intervention: 1-2 hours.
· You can leave the clinic on the same day after the intervention
After the intervention
· Care procedures: washing of the nasal cavity and application of oil in the composition of which enters Gomenol within 7 days.
· Removal of threads and a protective nose bus: after 7 days
· Exclusion from socio-professional activities:10 days
· To estimate the reached final result it is possible later: in 3-6 months
B E F O R E | A F T E R
The injection of botulinum toxin(Botox) , allows a significant reduction in the appearance of inter brow wrinkles, forehead and “crow’s feet” wrinkles in a non-surgical way, performed during the consultation and not resulting in a drop out of the usual rhythm of socio-professional life activity.
Give the volume of the face with Hyaluronic acid
This procedure allows you to give the volume to the sagging areas of the face, simultaneously achieve recovery of volume to different areas of the facial area (cheeks, cheekbones, temple), and also to raise the skin naturally, with the achievement of the effect as when lifting.
Pince mannequin
Pince mannequin allows you to eliminate the sagging of the tip of the eyebrow and the temporal region.
Face lifting
Facelift allows you to eliminate sagging and loss of tonus of face and neck.