What kind of patients may require this type of intervention?
This intervention is intended for patients who have aesthetic or functional discomfort in the inner side of the hips, characterized by a sagging skin, accompanied by a localized excess of fat in the area and without it.
What is the purpose of this intervention?
The skin of the inner side of the hips is distinguished by its fineness and its elastic fibers are brittle. So that it quickly loses its original state as a result of natural aging and changes in weight thus leading to the sagging of the skin in this area. To the problem of excess skin can also be added a localized manifestation of excess fat in this part of the body. An increase in volume may lead to undesirable manifestations such as difficulty in walking caused by friction.
This intervention has a dual purpose:
- elimination of excess fat by lipoaspiration
- restoration of the elasticity of the skin surrounding the hip by performing a skin lifting
What are the remaining scars ?
The location and the length of the scar will depend on the amount of skin to be excised in order to achieve recovery of the elasticity of the skin of the hips. There are two options to be discussed:
If there is a moderate manifestation of the skin and a predominant sagging in the upper 1/3 of the hip area, the character of the scar will be short in terms of length and hidden in the fold between the perineum and the inner side of the hip (spheroplasty type I)
if there is a pronounced manifestation of a surplus skin with a predominantly full length of the hip, the scar will be longer on the inner side of the hip (spheroplasty type II)
What are the main stages of Hip Lifting?
The intervention itself is preceded by the implementation of preoperative markings that allows to clearly identify the areas of exposure
Initially, liposuction is performed to remove localized fat deposits
Cuts are performed on markings determined before the intervention
Excess skin is subject to resection to achieve elastic and tightened hipse
The application of applied seams is carried out by absorbable filaments of small size
Simple bandaging is realizable
Wearing of Panthy on an individualized basis in the end of the intervention
Duration of the intervention: 2 hours
What kind of anesthesia is required for Hip Lifting ?
The intervention is performed under general anesthesia.
What duration of hospitalization is required after Hip Lifting ?
The hospitalization for one night is necessary with the possibility of leaving the clinic on the next day after the intervention.
How usually is the recovery period after the intervention?
It’s necessary to apply bandages every day for 14 days. All seams are absorbable and prescribed for wearing Panthy should be worn for 1 month after the intervention. Exercise and over-active lifestyles should be avoided during first 2 months.
What is the price of Hip Lifting ?
The price of hip arm lifting varies between 5200 and 7800 euros.
An example of one of the cases of Hip Lifting
Hip lifting
This patient asked for advice about the aesthetic request concerning the inner side of her hips. She didn’t have any special history of anamnesis before except the loss of 45 kg after by-pass. She complained of skin hanging down in the inner side of the hips She wanted her hips to be more elastic and less saggy especially in the upper-inner area
The examination revealed skin sagging mainly prevailing in the upper third of the inner side of the hips without the simultaneous appearance of excess adipose tissue.
This patient underwent a horizontal hip lifting (spheroplasty type I) consisting in performing a resection of the projecting skin in the fold between the perineum and the inner side of the hip. The remaining scar after the intervention will be located in a natural fold and thus hidden beneath the underwear. This intervention made it possible to achieve a tightening of the upper third of the inner side of the hip again resulting in a harmonious appearance with the rest of the hip area.
Before the intervention
· Consultation with your surgeon
· Consultation with the anesthesiologist
· Resolution of administrative issues: cost estimate, consent, photos
· Recommendations: quit smoking within 1 month before the intervention Before
Hip lifting
· Anesthesia: general anesthesia
· Duration of intervention: 1-2 hours.
· You can leave the clinic the next day in the morning.
After the intervention
· Care procedures: antiseptic for scars within 14 days
· Removal of threads: all threads are absorbable
· Exclusion from socio-professional activities: 10 days
· The final result achieved can be estimated after: 2 months